News from HIEs

Doctors in emergency departments across central and northeast Pennsylvania are now able to use the Keystone Health Information Exchange (KeyHIE) to access a patient’s heart monitoring results from Geisinger wherever or whenever the patient receives care. (more…)

NCI Seeks Research Parties

The National Cancer Institute’s Optical Microscopy and Analysis Laboratory is looking for research parties to collaboratively further co-develop software for cancer diagnosis. So far, several genes have been identified that have altered spatial positioning inside the nucleus of breast cancer cells when compared to normal breast tissues. (more…)

Biomedical Innovation Meeting Coming

NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) plans to award partial support to the Brookings Institute’s Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform  to conduct the “National Forum on Biomedical Innovation: Identifying Challenges and Prioritizing Needs in Medical Devices R&D”. The Forum is scheduled to be presented February 2014. (more…)

Pilot Program to Monitor Spectrum

The continued growth in demand for spectrum for commercial wireless services, unlicensed devices, and government operations is increasing at the federal, state, local tribal, or territorial levels. This need for spectrum focuses attention on how policy makers, researchers, and industry stakeholders are going to identify, relocate, or provide for spectrum sharing opportunities now and in the future. (more…)