The Delta Regional Authority and the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) have initiated a new telehealth delivery and education center to increase access to affordable quality healthcare and expand medical training to providers across the state of Mississippi. (more…)
Equipment Market in France
The Brief “France: Medical Equipment Market” published July 2013 by the Department of Commerce’s U.S Commercial Service, puts the total market demand in France for medical equipment at USD 6.987 billion in 2013 with imports accounting for USD 3.699 billion. (more…)
Update on “Doc Fix”
The Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) or called the “Doc Fix” is a complex formula used to set annual expenditure targets for Medicare to adjust physician payment to keep Medicare spending from exceeding the rate of GDP growth. Basically, SGR is a complex formula that incorporates inflation, projected per capita GDP growth, the projected rise in Medicare Part B beneficiaries, and the cost of any changes in law. (more…)
Public Health Foundation Releases RFI
The “Training Finder Real-time Affiliated Integrated Network” or referred to as the “TRAIN Learning Management Network” has been developing a competent public health workforce since 2003. TRAIN’s centralized searchable database is a comprehensive catalog used by public health professionals and contains over 29,000 course listings from over 4,000 training providers. (more…)
Consulting with “Specialist Reviewers”
Patients referred to specialists by Primary Care Physicians (PCP) often do not benefit from the visit, either because the visit is not medically necessary or because PCPs and specialists do not communicate effectively about the referred patient. (more…)
VHA Working with IHS
Several years ago, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and the Indian Health Service (IHS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop innovative Home-Based Primary Care (HBPC) pilot projects to service American Indian (AI) veterans who live on rural AI reservations. (more…)
Health Monitoring Helps Seniors
Fujitsu Laboratories and Fujitsu Ireland have launched the KIDUKU Project, a research initiative that provides monitoring services to senior citizens living in assisted independent living environments plus patients that live in smart houses. (more…)