Improving Healthcare in the Delta

The Healthy Delta Initiative is helping the region address several serious health issues. Recent figures highlighted in a Delta Regional Authority (DRA) publication show major challenges in the Delta region. For example, 33.9 percent of the region’s adults 20 years of age or older are considered obese, 11.0 percent of adults in the Delta have diabetes, and 19.2 percent of Delta residents under 65 do not have health insurance. All of these figures are above the respective national averages. (more…)

NIDA Awards $19 Million

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) within NIH awarded a five year contract for up to $19 million to RUCDR Infinite Biologics, a unit of Rutgers Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey. RUCDR is the world’s largest university-based biorepository located on the Rutgers campus in New Jersey. (more…)

HRSA Releases Grant Notice

HRSA is seeking applications for the “Evidence-Based Tele-Emergency Network Grant Program” (EB TNGP) to support broad telehealth networks capable of delivering 24/7 Emergency Department consultation services via telehealth to rural providers without the availability of emergency care specialists. The estimated total program funding is $1,600,000 for four awards. (more…)

Transformation Lab Launched

Last August, Intermountain Healthcare launched their new Healthcare Transformation Lab at their home base in Salt Lake City. To show what can be accomplished, Intermountain displayed the “Patient Room of the Future” at ATA 2014 held in Baltimore May 17-20. All of the ideas for the exhibit and the display were developed in the Transformation Laboratory. (more…)