Wireless Supports Telehealth

AMC Health has just added new technologies to its remote monitoring platform to help manage chronically ill patients.  These technologies include video visits, monitoring oral and inhaled medications, a kiosk for multiple users, and a cellular personal emergency response system. (more…)

CMS Releases up to $1 Billion

On May 15th, CMS announced funding for round two of the Health Care Innovation Awards. CMS is planning to spend up to $1 billion for awards and projects that are going to test new payment and service delivery models to help deliver better care and lower costs for Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP enrollees. (more…)

FCC Seeks Comments on Trials

On May 10th, the FCC’s Technology Transitions Policy Task Force issued a notice seeking comments on real world trials to obtain data helpful to the Commission. The FCC’s potential trials are going to be related to ongoing transitions from copper to fiber, going from wireline to wireless, and going from Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) to Internet Protocol (IP). The objective is to determine what policies would promote investment and innovations while still protecting consumers, promote competition, and ensure that all IP remains resilient. (more…)

Senators Seeking Ideas

Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) are calling for healthcare physicians and other providers from across the country to bring ideas to the table on how to improve Medicare’s physician payment system. (more…)