Interoperability Plan for Illinois

The Illinois “Statewide Communication Interoperability Plan” (SCIP) released September 2016 is going to help interoperable and emergency communications. SCIP is a three to five year strategic planning tool to help the state prioritize resources, strengthen governance, identify future investments, and address interoperability gaps either regionally, locally, or at the tribal level. (more…)

Rebuilding Knee Cartilage

Thirty million or so Americans who have osteoarthritis, joint pain, and stiffness can use various treatments that can offer some relief but as Veterans Administration’s researcher Martha Finco reports, “Currently, there are no FDA-approved treatments that build new or repair damaged cartilage.” (more…)

DOD Developing Mobile Devices

In September, FDA cleared BrainScope’s first handheld medical device “Ahead 300” to use to assess the full spectrum of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The device developed by BrainScope in partnership with the Department of Defense (DOD) provides a multi-model model device offering clinicians a comprehensive panel of data to help diagnose TBI including concussions. (more…)

SPECIAL to Federal Telemedicine News

Letter Supporting Provision in Senator John McCain’s Bill S. 2943

September 19, 2016

Chairman John McCain

Committee on Armed Services

U.S. Senate

Dear Chairman McCain:

The American Telemedicine Association strongly supports the provision in your bill S. 2943 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017) section 705(d) that allow TRICARE beneficiaries to be served by a state-licensed health professional using telemedicine, regardless of the location of the professional or the patient. (more…)