The House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Health hearing titled “Examining Federal Regulation of Mobile Medical Apps and Other Health Software” was held on November 19th on Capitol Hill. The hearing focused on FDA’s final medical app guidance published September 2013. (more…)
CMS Issues Presolicitation
On November 15, 2013, CMS released a presolicitation announcing future plans related to improving quality. CMS has plans to release a solicitation related to quality seeking new approaches that the agency should take. Currently, CMS is making efforts towards achieving the “National Quality Strategy” (NOS) and the CMS Quality Strategy along with other strategies, goals, recommendations, and priorities. (more…)
VA’s Strategic Plan for 2014-2020
The Veterans Administration’s Draft Strategic Plan for 2014-2020 emphasizes self-care, preventive services, primary care, and mental health services. One important goal is to eliminate the disability claims backlog by 2015. At that time, a robust plan will be implemented to ensure that claims are addressed in no more than 125 days with at least 98 percent accuracy. (more…)
Project to Address Patient Risk
Several organizations recently launched a Kresge Foundation funded project with a grant award for $800,000. The grant funding will be used to measure and capture patient risks at health centers in terms of both clinical and non-clinical factors to include social, environmental, and economic factors that influence an individual’s health. (more…)
Bills Introduced on the Hill
Representative Scott Peters from California has introduced the “Health Savings Through Technology Act” (H.R 3577) to advocate for a smarter way to deliver healthcare in the U.S. by increasing the use of wireless technologies. (more…)
McKesson Foundation Award
The Center for Connected Health, a division of Partners HealthCare has been awarded one of FY 13 research grants from the McKesson Foundation’s Mobilizing for Health Initiative. The grant funding will help develop an interactive mobile health program to improve medication adherence and clinical outcomes in patients with cancer. (more…)
Spotlight on Healthcare Workforce Issues
The November issue of Health Affairs highlights the U.S healthcare workforce and how to provide expanded coverage and new models of care as well as address the needs of an aging population. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) report that unless the U.S acts now, America will face a shortage of more than 90,000 doctors in ten years. (more…)