Telemedicine adoption is fragmented in Maryland, according to the December 2013 “Maryland Telemedicine Task Force—Interim Report” prepared by the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC). Diffusion of technology in acute care hospitals is about 46 percent as opposed to roughly 10 percent among physicians. (more…)
NIDDK Seeks Tech for Diabetes Research
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK) an institute within NIH, posted Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) (PA-14-058) on January 3, 2014. The FOA seeks small businesses working under the SBIR program for Phases I and II to research and develop novel technologies capable of diagnosing and monitoring complications for individuals with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). (more…)
Device to Prevent Infant Apnea
One in nine live births in the U.S is preterm and these high risk births require specialized monitoring and treatment in neonatal intensive care units. Cardio-respiratory events are common in preterm infants that can range from benign periodic apnea with mild oxygen desaturations and cardiac decelerations to severe life-threatening apnea events requiring mechanical ventilation. (more…)
“WellCar” Could Replace House Calls
Student researchers involved in advanced industrial design and engineering at the University of Kansas Center for Design Research are working on a prototype of what is being called the “WellCar”. (more…)
Forecast for Proposals
The Maternal and Child Health Bureau within HRSA anticipates the release in February of their solicitation for proposals for their “Newborn Screening Information Clearinghouse Initiative” (HRSA-14-085) for FY 2014 as mandated as part of the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act. (more…)
Helping Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
HHS and CDC have developed a new project that will help improve health data collection for Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. The information will be collected through the National Health Interview Survey conducted by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. (more…)
Missouri’s Help for Medicaid Patients
The report “Financing and Policy Considerations for Medicaid Health Homes for Individuals with Behavioral Health Conditions” indicates that individuals when faced with serious mental illness and have limited financial means are at a higher risk for premature death. (more…)