Appalachia’s Community Research Project

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), and the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky have announced that PDA Inc. a management consulting firm located in Raleigh North Carolina, will be the lead investigator for the regional public health research project called “Creating a Culture of Health in Appalachia: Disparities and Bright Spots.” (more…)

Virtual Care for Chronic Care Patients

Jennifer Mallow, Assistant Professor at the West Virginia University School of Nursing and a Robert Wood Johnson Nurse Faculty Scholar, along with her team, have developed the “Mobile Improvement of Self-Management Ability through Rural Technology” (mlSMART), a web-based program. Patients are able to participate in virtual care to deal with health issues via technology. (more…)

mHealth Tech to Help Researchers

Mobile health technologies can provide a rich stream of information about an individual’s biology, thoughts, emotions, behavior, and what is going on in the daily environment. The data can yield new insights into factors that lead to diseases and used in real-time to prompt changes in behaviors or environmental exposures. (more…)

Alaska’s Healthcare Environment

Alaska’s Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) recently published the report “Alaska State Health Care Environment 2015”. According to the report, HRSA in 2015, awarded New Access Point Grants to additional clinic sites which brings Alaska’s total FQHCs to 29 managing organizations and 168 clinic sites. (more…)