Streamlining Trials for Alzheimer’s

NIH is funding a new Clinical Trials Consortium to expand research into therapies to treat or prevent Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The consortium called the “Alzheimer’s Clinical Trial Consortium” signed a cooperative agreement which is expected to total $70 million over five years, pending the availability of funds. (more…)

NSF Issues Solicitation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) within their Directorate for Engineering Industrial Innovation and Partnerships issued the “Partnerships for Innovation” (PFI) solicitation (NSF 18-511) which will fund and support NSF funded research to enable innovation. The anticipated funding amount for $16,760,000 includes 45 to 55 awards with response to the solicitation due February 1, 2018. (more…)

World Bank Approves Millions

The World Bank has approved $105 million for the Government of Mozambique’s “Primary Health Care Strengthening Program for Results.” Twenty five million is being provided by the Global Financing Facility (GFF), a multi-stakeholder partnership The GFF Trust Fund is supported by Canada, Japan, Norway, the UK, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and MSD for Mothers. (more…)