Telemedicine Screening for RW-ROP

NIH’s National Eye Institute (NEI) reports that a study has determined that telemedicine is an effective strategy to screen for the potentially blinding disease known as Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). The study reported in JAMA Ophthalmology was conducted by the e-ROP Cooperative Group, a collaboration that includes 13 clinical sites and resource centers in the U.S and Canada. (more…)

North Carolina’s Telepsychiatry Initiative

The Office of Rural Health and Community Care  within the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is expanding their Statewide Telephsychiatry Program (NC-STeP) administered by the East Carolina University Center for Telepsychiatry and e-Behavioral Health (CTeB). The goal is to improve access to telepsychiatry in hospital emergency rooms. (more…)

Bedside Medication Barcoding

NIH’s Clinical Center’s (CC) June newsletter reports that they started using bedside medication barcoding last January as a pilot in selected units with the system fully implemented in March. Barcodes have been used since 2007 for CC admissions. Their use expanded to medications stocked in automated dispensing cabinets in 2009, tracking patients’ lab specimens in 2010, and dispensing take home medications from the outpatient pharmacy in 2011.  (more…)

Using Robots in Rural Hospitals

According to an article by Mike Shields for the Kansas Health Institute, some small rural Kansas hospitals are using highly sophisticated medical robots to help ease the shortage of specialists in their areas and in one instance boosting the bottom line at a critical access hospital. (more…)

NIST Forming Cloud Work Groups

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cloud Computing Program (NCCP) is forming three cloud computing public work groups to find solutions to cloud computing challenges. The public work groups will bring together industry, government, and academic experts from across the world to address requirements laid out in the “NIST U.S Government Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap Release” 1.0 (Draft). (more…)