Governor Announces “MD THINK”

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan just announced that the Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) was awarded $195 million in federal funding to build a technology platform called “Maryland Total Human-services Information Network (MD THINK) to transform the ability to deliver vital human services to state residents. (more…)

VA’s Technology Challenges

The Presidents FY 2018 budget emphasizes the need for the Veterans Administration (VA) to invest in IT. The proposed budget would provide sufficient funding for sustainment, development, and modernization initiatives to improve the quality of services provided to veterans and also avoid the costs involved in maintaining outdated inefficient systems. (more…)

Data to Help Elderly Patients

A new company and tool called “Patient Pattern” founded by Steven Buslovich MD developed by a start-up program in New York was developed in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Buffalo (UB) The tool has a cloud-based solution called “LivePAC” to not allow inappropriate treatments to be given to elderly patients in nursing homes. (more…)