Oregon’s Health IT Update

HIT Commons, a public/private partnership, was formed to coordinate investment in health IT, and advance HIE across Oregon. HIT Commons is co-sponsored by the Oregon Health Leadership Council (OHLC) http://www.orhealthleadershipcouncil.org and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) https://www.oregon.gov.The role of the HIT Commons Governance is to accelerate the selection, procurement, financing, implementation, and adoption of health IT initiatives. (more…)

Gathering Accurate Health Data

Bloomberg Philanthropies https://www.bloomberg.org recently made an additional $120 million in funding available through the “Data for Health Initiative” to help governments in developing countries gather accurate data about the health of their citizens. This brings the total amount committed to the “Data for Health Initiative” to $220 million and will enable the initiative to expand from 20 to 25 countries. (more…)