Credit Suisse had a post quarterly conference call with Premier Inc. (PINC) management to review FY4Q20 results, business performance by segment, and expectations for FY 2021. (more…)
TEDCO Invests in 6 Startups
TEDCO located in Columbia Maryland, identifies, invests in, and helps grow technology companies in Maryland. The company has announced their recent round of investments to six startup companies and funding to fifteen university projects through the Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) (more…)
DHS S&T Awards $1 Million
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology S&T Directorate has awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II $1 million award to TDA Research Inc., a Colorado-based small business. The company is developing a power module to service the current emerging requirements for on-body devices for first responders. (more…)
AI to Improve Cancer Detection
The Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) within the Department of Defense (DOD) is scaling commercial technology across the agency. The goal is to bring together commercially available Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and the Defense Department’s archived medical data to teach computers how to better identify cancers and other medical irregularities. The new tools will be able to help medical professionals more accurately and more quickly identify medical issues in patients. (more…)
$3.3 M Grant to Study Brain Health
The National Institute on Aging at NIH awarded $3.3 million to the Cleveland Clinic’s Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health to establish the Nevada exploratory Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (NVeADRC) to focus on reducing disparities with individuals living with dementia rural settings. (more…)
HHS Releases Rural Action Plan
HHS released their Rural Action Plan produced by HHS’s Rural Task Force, to provide a roadmap for continuing existing but also upcoming efforts to improve rural healthcare. Eighteen HHS agencies and offices took part in developing the plan which includes 71 new or expanded activities. (more…)
R&D Plan for MITRE & Mayo Clinic
MITRE and Mayo Clinic are working together to conduct R&D on common data elements for oncology, cardiology, and COVID-19. According to Dr. John Halamka, President, Mayo Clinic Platform, “Defining common data elements will help transform the way we approach cancer and chronic disease by facilitating additional research.” (more…)