Realyze Intelligence Launched

The UPMC Health System launched the company Realyze Intelligence by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and natural language processing to identify patient populations with chronic diseases and cancer.

The Realyze clinical intelligence platform reads both the detailed clinical notes and structured data from patients’ EMRs. The U.S healthcare industry spends $8.7 billion per year employing people primarily to read clinical notes to abstract data for various clinical workflows.

For example, when analyzing more than 100,000 CKD patients at UPMC, Realyze was able to help UPMC’s clinical analytics team by obtaining new insights from clinical notes that were not available in the structured data.

With this information UPMC is able to improve their ability to implement more precise patient segmentation, which in turn, allows clinicians to better deploy resources for more appropriate care.

Clinicians will use the platform to identify precisely defined cohorts of patients who may be at higher risk of poor health outcomes and then the patients will be prioritized to receive appropriate care in a timely fashion.

“Patients aren’t defined by their primary diagnosis. They may not be dealing with just one condition, but also may be dealing with other factors. It is currently a time consuming effort to extract and use the relevant information from the EMR to ensure effective care,” said Gilan El Saadawi, MD, PhD, Realyze Chief Medical Officer