On April 29,2021, HRSA posted forecasts for two grant notices to help rural communities. The first HRSA Forecasted Grants Notice (HRSA-21-107) titled Telehealth Technology-Enabled Learning Program (HRSA-21-107) has estimated total program funding for $4,275,000.
The funding would be used to connect specialists at academic medical centers with primary care providers in rural and underserved areas and provide evidence-based training and support to help treat patients with complex conditions in their communities.
Eligible applicants can include private institutions of higher education, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, public housing authorities, Native American tribal organizations, state, city or township governments, county governments, for profit organizations and small businesses.
The estimated application due date is June 29, 2021 with the project start date to be estimated September 30, 2021.
The second HRSA grant forecast titled Rural Behavioral Health Workforce Coordinating Centers-Northern Border Region (HRSA-21-117), posted April 29, 2021 involves providing career and workforce training activities in the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) region in order to assist individuals affected by Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
The NBRC is an authorized Commission enacted by Congress under the 2008 Farm Bill with defined service areas. Due to the limited geographic service area within the Northern Border Region, only one applicant from each of the following eligible states will be awarded to Maine, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. All services and resources will be targeted to the rural and partially rural counties within this region.
The forecasted grant notice (HRSA-21-117 seeks Coordinating Centers to address SUD/OUD health workforce needs in rural communities and then integrate SUD/OUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services with workforce readiness programs.
The grant notice also seeks the use of a collaborative approach to support and coordinate access to behavioral health training for health workforce serving rural communities within the NBRC service area and plans are to integrate employment readiness programming into prevention, treatment, and recovery services for residents of rural communities.
The estimated total program funding as not yet been announced but the post date for the grant notice is estimated to be June 1, 2021 with the estimated application due date to be July 2, 2021, with the project to start September 1, 2021.
Go to https://www.grants.gov/custom/printForecastDetails.jsp for more information on both grant notices.