Two HIEs to Join Together

National Health Information Exchanges (HIE) CORHIO in Colorado and Health Current in Arizona are in discussions on how to align their organizations to better serve the healthcare data needed in their states.

As stewards of data for approximately 1,320 healthcare organizations across both states participating in HIE services, the joining of CORHIO and Health Current to form a new regional organization has the potential to create the largest health data utility in the West.

CORHIO and Health Current are logical regional partners. In addition to their geographic proximity, both operate in good business and financial health and share similar goals, values, and cultures.

As two large HIEs in the Arizona-Colorado region, the HIEs are going to work together in order to demonstrate that regional interoperability services are possible if HIEs join together in order to enlarge the region’s ability to better exchange patient data.

According to Morgan Honea, CORHIO CEO, “The next evolution for HIEs is to become regional health data utilities for their communities which would provide vital services like water, electric, and other essential utilities.”

A survey completed by the Strategic Health Information Exchange Council (SHIEC),  shows that Regional HIEs are becoming more prevalent across the country . Ninety two percent of American citizens are covered by a regional HIEs.

The Office of the National Coordinator for HIT reports that the new Arizona-Colorado affiliation will strengthen the region’s core HIE services and bring needed innovation to help healthcare communities.