HIT Update from Oregon

According to Updates as of February 2019 from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), https://www,oregon.gov/oha/HPA/OHIT/Dicuments/OHIT-Progtam-HITOC-Update-20190201.pdf, the Emergency Department Information Exchange (EDIE) now allows Emergency Departments (ED) in real-time to identify patients with complex care needs who frequently use the ED for their care.

EDIE also utilizes alerting. EDIE provides critical information to ED physicians such as security alerts, care guidelines entered by the patient’s primary care medical home, and contact information for case managers. All hospitals except VA hospitals in the state are now live with EDIE.

PreManage is a web-based application that expands EDIE to other users such as health plans, CCOs, and to physical, behavioral, or dental clinics to improve coordinated care for patients. Today, all of Oregon CCOs receive hospital notifications through PreManage or are under contract. Most major Oregon health plans now use PreManage, as well as four tribal clinics. Behavioral health is a major category for PreManage users.

Type B Area Agencies on Aging and People with Disabilities District Offices are also using PreManage plus Developmental Disability Programs and the Oregon State Hospital are onboarding.

HIE Onboarding https://www.oregon.gov/oha/HHPA/OHIT/Pages /HIE-onboarding.aspx launched in January 2019 will increase Medicaid providers’ capability to exchange health information by supporting the costs for an HIE entity to go to onboard providers with or without the help of an EHR.

The Reliance eHealth Collaborative https://reliancehie.org was selected to provide onboarding services through the Request for Proposal process with the program expected to run through September 2021. Reliance will onboard priority Medicaid physical, behavioral, and oral health providers, according to a work plan developed in consultation with Medicaid partners.

The program leverages 90 percent federal funding to support the initial costs of connecting priority. Providers who participate will receive financial or in-kind support from the HIE, as well as financial support from OHA to offset or partially offset their administrative onboarding costs.