Verato Inc. a provider of cloud-based patient matching solutions recently announced that the N.Y eHealth Collaborative (NYeC), a not-for-profit organization plus the N.Y State Department of Health are helping the Statewide Health Information Network for N.Y (SHIN-NY) advance their agenda.
SHIN-NY is going to use Verato’s “AUTO-STEWARD”, a service on the next-generation Verato Universal ™ Master Patient Index (MPI) platform. AUTO STEWARD will automate the process used to deal with difficult potential matches that the SHIN-NY’s existing MPI has flagged for manual review and resolution. This will help to enhance patient matching accuracy and efficiency.
SHIN-NY, a network of networks, links NY’s eight Qualified Entities (QE) throughout the state. Each QE operates its own network that facilitates the exchange of EHRs between participating providers in the community.
Through the SHIN-NY network, QE participants are able to exchange records with each other. SHIN-NY’s eight QEs connect to nearly all of the hospitals in NY State, thousands of medical providers, and represents the millions of people who live in or receive care in NY State.
As part of a multi-year subscription, the Verato platform will integrate with SHIN-NY’s existing “Enterprise MPI” (eMPI) to automatically process and resolve records that the eMPI has flagged as potential duplicates which will then require manual review by a data steward.
Using the “Referential Matching” approach, Verato is able to match records that conventional eMPI’s could never match. The Referential Matching approach contains an extensive self- learning database of demographic data spanning the U.S which operates as an answer key for patient matching questions. In addition, the Verato Universal MPI platform is cloud-based and HITRUST certified.
“We know that matching records within one health system is hard enough with typical duplicate rates going as high as 20 percent”, said Mark LaRow, CEO for Verato. “Matching across an entire state is another whole story.”
LaRow adds, “As the patient matching challenge reaches this scale, it also becomes much more important to be very accurate. Organizations with patient matching challenges at this scale, have found that leveraging Verato’s Referential Matching approach typically results in improving the ROI of their existing patient matching technologies which leads to better care outcomes for the populations served.”