ONC Announces Phase 1 Winners

The Office of the National Coordinator for HIT (ONC)www.healthit.gov recently announced the Phase 1 winners for two app challenges. The Challenges called the “Consumer Health Data Aggregator” and the “Provider User Experience Challenge” were initially announced last March. The objective was to make electronic health information easier to access for both consumers and providers.

Applicants were challenged to use the “Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard and open Application Programming Interfaces” (API) to make it easier to retrieve and share information.

The four winners of Phase 1 of the “Consumer Health Data Aggregator Challenge” to receive $15,000 in awards include:

  • Green Circle Health www.gogch.com—The Green Circle platform would provide a comprehensive family health dashboard covering the full Common Clinical Data Set using FHIR to transfer patient information. It will also incorporate patient-generated health data from wearables, sensors, and other connected devices
  • HealthCentrix http://new.prevvy.com—The Prevvy Family Health Assistant app suite provides the capabilities to manage an entire family’s health and wellness including targeted information exchange
  • Medyear www.medyear.com—Mobile app uses FHIR to merge a patient’s records from multiple sources into one clean interface. It borrows a social media-like newsfeed style to show real-time EHR updates and can provide easy functionality to be able to message and call clinicians
  • MetroStar Systems www.metrostarsystems.com—The Locket app brings patient information from different EHRs together into a single mobile device


The four winners of Phase 1 of the “Provider User Experience Challenge” to receive $15,000 in awards include:

  • Herald Health www.heraldhealthcarellc.com —The Herald platform leverages FHIR to highlight the patient information that clinicians need the most. With the integration of FHIR, highly customizable alerts based on real-time EHR data can be sent
  • PHRASE Health www.phrasehealth.com—Aims to create a clinical decision support platform to help better manage emerging illnesses, incorporate more external data sources to identify at-risk patients to allow for the two way exchange of data and knowledge between public health and frontline providers
  • University of Utah Health Care http://healthcare.utah.edu, Intermountain Healthcare http://intermountainhealthcare.org and Duke Health System www.dukehealth.org–To   provide support for the timely diagnosis and management of newborn bilirubin. The collaboration intends to integrate the app across each member’s EHR platform
  • WellSheet www.wellsheet.com —The web app will be able to use machine learning and natural language processing to prioritize relevant information during a patient visit. WellSheet’s algorithm simplifies workflows to incorporate multiple data sources including those enabled by FHIR to present information in a single screen


Both Challenges now move to Phase 2 where the apps themselves will be evaluated. Phase 2 remains open to all potential applicants including those that did not provide a Phase 1 submission. All submission are due November 7, 2016 for Phase 2 submissions. In each challenge, a grand prize, a second place prize, and an “Ultimate Connector” prize will be awarded for a total value of $100,000.