HRSA intends to award an additional $300,000 for the National Center for Medical Home Implementation (NCMHI) program to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) The budget period for this award is from July 2015, to June 2016.
The purpose of the NCMHI cooperative agreement is to spread the medical home model to all children and youth, particularly Children with Special Healthcare Needs (CSHCN), children who are vulnerable and/or medically underserved, and pediatric populations served by state public health programs. Through the NCMHI, the AAP is working to link key state and community programs to build and strengthen integrated service delivery systems.
Specifically, the supplemental funds will be used to develop the proposed Rural IMPACT project by AAP to support child health in rural and underserved communities. The proposed Rural IMPACT project will enable NCMHI to make system changes and initiate new programs at the community, state, and national levels.
AAP working with HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) is going to establish an expert workgroup and operational structure to guide the initiative. The plan is to issue a solicitation that will help participating communities develop a quality improvement package, monitor progress of individual communities, and provide technical assistance to communities.