ONC Releases FOA

The HHS Office of the National Coordinator for HIT www.healthit.gov released Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) (NAP-AX-16-003) on March 1, 2016 with approximately $275,000 available. The objective is to help develop an app discovery site that will make it easier for developers to publish their apps, be able to discover and compare them, and then integrate the apps into EHRs. …Continue reading

State Medicaid Expansion Issues

The Alliance for Health Reform www.allhealth.org recently held a briefing for reporters at the National Press Club to discuss Medicaid expansion in the states. Alan Weil Editor-in-Chief at Health Affairs www.healthaffairs.org commented on how much Medicaid has changed since he ran the Colorado Medicaid program several decades ago. Today, Governors must make important decisions related to Medicaid as many states are implementing their own health initiatives. …Continue reading