NSF Awards $2.5M to NYU

NYU https://www.nyu.edu researchers from the Schools of Engineering, Medicine, and Business recently received a $2.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) https://www.nsf.gov to further develop digital data intensive technologies in healthcare, including telehealth and  AI based tools.

The new grant is part of NSF’s Future of Work at the Human Technology Frontier which covers evolving technologies that are actively shaping the lives of health workers such as nurses in the work world.

For example, a nurse may have access to technology allowing them to remotely monitor the vitals of a home bound patient over long periods of time. Packaging the tracked data and presenting it interpretably in the context of the nurse’s workflow could be helpful in identifying and solving potential health problems before they escalate.

While new technologies are constantly being developed, making sure they work is vital. Achieving this socio technical challenge involves getting the right technologies matched with the right interfaces into the hands of diverse healthcare workers to create alignments between workflows, organizations, and technologies.

The project will focus on:

  • Co-developing tools and generalizable design principles with users to lower the barriers to technology integration for healthcare workers
  • Empowering individuals within healthcare systems to use the tools to improve their skills
  • Enabling and providing for patient-centered healthcare


“The new grant will help to further develop NYU’s wide research program on digital health as an interdisciplinary research domain that brings together technological, organization, and medical innovations to help keep society healthy and resilient” according, to NYU Professor Oded Nov.