NIAID within NIH recently released the FOA titled Early Stage Development of Data Science Technologies for Infectious and Immune Mediated Diseases. (RFA-AI-020).
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) https://www.niaid.nih.go basic and clinical research projects are generating large diverse and complex data sets that include genomics/omics data, clinical data, immune phenotyping assay data, and imaging data.
The NIAID data science program FOA aims to promote research driven data science technology across the development lifecycle to address priority needs in immune-mediated and infectious disease research. This includes but is not limited to disease mechanism, risk prediction, epidemiology, detection and diagnosis, treatment, and vaccines.
Some of suggested potential projects relevant to this FOA includes:
- Technologies to mine EHRs, clinical trial data from digital health devices and social media and other observational and experimental data to enhance findings from clinical trials data, technologies and platforms to support next-generation clinical trials
- Methods to evaluate optimal linkage of data from sources, such as EHRs, health systems, clinical trial databases, diagnostic molecular and registry data, including claims, mortality, and other such sources
- Tools and technologies to use for collaborative research and for visualization of observational, experimental, and multi-dimensional data
- Using AI to approach the use of predictive and personalized medicine in immune-mediated or infectious diseases, novel ML/AI methods for data analytics of high throughput and multi-dimensional data, computer assisted detection and diagnosis, and/or for treatment planning and medical decision support
Eligible applicants can include higher education institutions, nonprofits, for-profit organizations, local government, and others. As for the award amount, NIAID intends to commit $1,350,000 in FY 2022 to fund up to 3 awards. The closing date for applications is July 6, 2023.
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