NIH Anticipates Funding Announcement

NIH’s Office of Strategic Coordination intends to release a new funding initiative August 2013 with applications estimated to be due by December 2013. The NIH Funding Opportunity Notice (FOA) when released will solicit applications for “Demonstration Projects for Pragmatic Clinical Trials” to address the management of multiple chronic conditions.

Pragmatic trials are primarily designed to determine the effects of an intervention under the usual conditions where it applies as contrasted with explanatory trials that are primarily designed to determine the effects of an intervention under ideal circumstances.

The FOA will seek information on how to prevent, diagnose, treat or manage patients with multiple chronic conditions. For this FOA, common chronic health conditions will include diseases, chronic symptoms, as well as chronic functional impairment or disabilities Applicants are encouraged to develop a project that engages partnership with multiple healthcare.

Go to for more details or email Catherine Meyers MD at