Providing PT via Telehealth

The company eWellness Healthcare Corporation providing the PHZIO platform for physical therapy  and telehealth markets, has developed a new way for all general telemedicine providers to treat back pain effectively to help patients. 

The eWellness PHZIO treatment platform operating as “TeleRehab” can initiate a video call, which will diagnose the cause of the back pain, and then monitor and adjust the therapy for the patient as needed.

The company’s business model is to license the PHZIO platform to any physical therapy clinic in the U.S or have large scale employers use the platform as a fully PT monitored corporate wellness program.

To move the physical therapy program further ahead and reduce costs, the company is continuing to develop the first tokenized physical therapy payment system for insurance companies, for use by large scale self-insured corporations and insured members.

The tokenized payment platform will enable patients to receive telehealth physical therapy evaluations and real-time monitored PT treatments through the use of a PHZIO token. All patient treatment records will also be blockchained within this payment system.

The system will conform all patient treatments, which will eliminate medical treatment fraud. The tokenized payment system will also eliminate all billing services for licensed physical therapy clinics using the PHZIO treatment system and also eliminate patient co-payments.

By using the PHZIO platform, the company estimates costs for physical therapy will be reduced by fifty percent or more for insurance carriers. In order for insurance companies to receive the new low cost physical therapy services, they will buy tokens in bulk in advance of distributing the tokens to their insurance membership.

The members will be able to seek physical therapy care through the PHZIO platform in return for a token that can be redeemed by the telehealth provider for immediate payment by the insurance provider. The tokenization of the billing process should eliminate delays in telehealth provider reimbursement by health insurance carriers.