AHRQ www.ahrq.gov and CMS www.cms.gov have awarded $13.4 million over four years to six new Pediatric Quality Measures Program (PQMP) grantees focused on implementing new pediatric quality measures developed by the PQMP Centers of Excellence (COE).
The pediatric quality measures are used by state Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) and other public and private programs, providers, plans, patients, and their families to measure and improve the quality of children’s healthcare.
PQMP was initially established in 2011 by AHRQ and CMS with the initial phase of PQMP funding seven Centers of Excellence to develop new and innovative pediatric measures. The next phase will implement and test these newly developed pediatric measures in real world settings to learn more about how they work when used in the front lines of care.
“The PQMP Centers of Excellence provided us with valid measures of children’s healthcare quality. The next research step will help us test these measures in real-world settings,” said AHRQ Director Andy Bindman M.D. “The ultimate goal is to improve children’s health through better healthcare at lower costs, at both the Federal and state level.”