Flex RVHAP Solicits Applications

The “Flex Rural Veterans Health Access Program” (RVHAP) grants sponsored by HRSA’s Federal Office of Rural Health Policy www.hrsa.gov/ruralhealth will increase the delivery of mental health services or other healthcare services to veterans living in rural areas through the use of health IT. The services offered to veterans include crisis intervention, detection of PTSD, TBI, as frequently found in rural communities.

The main goal is to use telehealth and health IT including EHRs to help coordinate care for veterans that are seen by both the VA and private healthcare providers and need to share clinical information.

Grant funds can be used in two focus areas.

  • Telehealth Networks (RVHAP-TH)—to provide clinical services using both direct interactive teleconsultations and store-and-forward telehealth applications
  • Health Information Exchange Networks (RVHAP-HIE)—to support the transfer of clinical information for veterans in rural areas to other providers both within the VA and the EHR system and private providers


The funding is to be used to expand existing networks to provide services to veterans by developing partnerships with other healthcare entities such as critical access hospitals, FQHCs, rural health clinics, state hospital associations, home health agencies, mental health service providers, pharmacists, local government agencies, private practice physicians, and other providers providing access to healthcare services to rural veterans.

Eligible applicants for funding must be current “Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program” grantees in states with Certified Critical Access Hospitals. Special consideration will be given to states where veterans make up a high percentage of the total population. Funding is estimated to be $900,000 with applications accepted up to February 8, 2016.

For more information, go to the RHIhub at www.ruralhealthinfo.org/funding/2382, or email Anthony Oliver aoliver@hrsa.gov.