The Indian Health Service (IHS) is updating their IHS Personal Health Record (PHR) system and has taken the first step to help patients and providers effectively exchange health information. The changes taking place will upgrade the existing IHS system referred to as the Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS
RPMS software applications are being customized and improved based on requests and input from users throughout the Indian Healthcare System. The system has four main components including hardware, software, network, and database.
The new IHS PHR will provide patients with better access to their own medical records. Patients will be able to review lab results, learn about their medications, verify the accuracy of their medical records, and download a copy of their health information to keep or share. Patients will be able to email their healthcare team via the system.
The new IHS Health Information Exchange will offer providers better access to medical records so that providers will be able to document the care their patients receive at other facilities. IHS and participating tribal and Urban Indian Health Program providers will now share more health information.
Tribal organizations and the Urban Indian Health Program must sign an agreement to access the enhanced features of the IHS medical records system. The agreement helps to ensure the privacy and security of the data being exchanged.
Adopting these improvements is optional which means that Tribal organizations and Urban Indian Health programs may continue to use the previous IHS medical records system if they choose. However, signing an agreement and adopting the new system may help providers and hospitals receive Incentive Payments and avoid payment adjustments in some cases.