Improving Healthcare in Missouri

The University of Missouri (MU) and Cerner have announced plans to extend their partnership through 2025. In 2009, the MU and Cerner started working as partners to form the Tiger Institute for Health Innovation

The Tiger Institute helps patient engagement through mobile healthcare, developing a comprehensive population health network, examining the role of health IT in academic medical research, helping MU Health Care and other providers’ transition to value-based payment models, and is now developing the Tiger Institute Value Creation Office.

The MU-Cerner collaboration has moved MU Health Care into the top two percent of health systems nationally ranked by HIMSS. Since the formation of the Tiger Institute, MU Health has:

  • Reached HIMSS Stage 7
  • Named the first academic medical center and the ninth health system to meet Stage 2 Meaningful Use standards
  • Received a $13 million LIGHT2 grant from CMS
  • Ninety patient rooms now include smart room technology that wirelessly integrates medical devices into the EMR
  • Created e-visit technology
  • Integrated calculators into EHRs
  • Launched OpenNotes


The Missouri Telehealth Network (MTN) received $1.5 million in state appropriations to develop and launch the “Show-Me-Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes” (ECHO) program.

Missouri is the first state to provide funding to allow for ECHO programs to be offered statewide with a centralized training hub at the university. MTN is operating a training hub to be set up for experts to lead the ECHO program via video conferencing.

The chronic pain ECHO project began October 2014, with the autism project beginning in March 2015 as pilot programs. The endocrinology, dermatology, hepatitis C, and childhood asthma projects are all expected to be operational by October 2015.