AHRQ to Issue Three FOAs

On July 9th, AHRQ www.ahrq.hhs.gov released a notice that the agency is planning to implement Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCORI) findings through Clinical Decision Support (CDS) tools.

To accomplish these goals, AHRQ intends to launch a PCOR CDC initiative to fulfill these requirements using both grant and contract mechanisms in 2015 and continue into 2016. Applications are not being solicited at this time but AHRQ released the intent to publish the FOA so that potential applicants would have sufficient time to develop responsive projects.

ACA of 2010 directs AHRQ to disseminate and build capacity in PCOR. AHRQ plans to assist health IT users to focus on CDS, to incorporate PCOR findings into clinical practice, and establish a process to receive feedback on the value of the information disseminated.

This initiative will include three Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA). Specifically, the three FOAs will separately solicit applications to:

  • Create the AHRQ PCOR CDS Learning Network that will build a community of stakeholders including clinicians, patients, professional associations, health IT developers, and others
  • Extend existing well established CDS beyond the initial setting or institution and disseminate and implement PCOR findings
  • Develop new reliable, valid, and usable CDS from PCOR findings and demonstrate its effectiveness to improve care in clinical practice


Go to http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-HS-15-010.html for more information. For questions, email PCORClinicalDecisionSupport@ahrq.hhs.gov.