VA Updating Scheduling System

The Veterans Administration (VA) announced plans on August 25th to issue a Request for proposal (RFP) for a new Medical Appointment Scheduling System. The new system will provide medical schedulers with cutting-edge, management-based scheduling software. The RFP will be made public by the end of September 2014 and the VA hopes to award the contract by the end of 2014.

The VA will issue a draft RFP prior to releasing the full RFP to maximize industry and stakeholder input. The solicitation will require a two part demonstration of capabilities, a written proposal, and a technical demonstration to scheduling staff.

Efforts to make the current system easier to use for schedulers and veterans, the VA so far has initiated several projects:

  • The VA recently awarded a contract to improve the existing scheduling interface to provide schedulers a calendar view of resources instead of the current text-based, multiple screen view. The update is scheduled to begin roll out beginning January 2015
  • The VA is developing mobile applications to allow veterans to directly request certain types of primary care and mental health appointments that is scheduled to begin deployment by December 2014.
  • Another application under development will give VA schedulers an easier-to-use interface to schedule medical appointments also to begin deployment December 2014
  • The VA will be rolling out new clinical video telehealth capabilities in October 2014


As part of the current RFP preparation process, the VA is working with Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) to incorporate the groups’ feedback on requirements that are important to veterans. The VA’s VSO partners are currently reviewing user experience and business process documentation, and the VA will continue to consult with VSOs as the agency continues to work towards publishing the solicitation.