FIC’s mHealth Future Funding

The Fogarty International Center has future plans to publish Funding Notice (NOT-TW-13-011) seeking research and development on adapting mobile health technology to use in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC). Also needed is information on the health-related outcomes that will result when the technology is implemented.

The project’s goal is to contribute to the evidence base concentrating on the use of mobile technology that will improve clinical outcomes and public health while building research capacity and expertise in LMICs where mHealth tools are needed for the prevention, diagnosis, management, and treatment of chronic diseases in LMICs.

Applicants will be required to propose partnerships between at least one U.S. institution and one LMIC institution. Program directors and principal investigators may be employed in either a U.S. or an LMIC institution but should plan to build capacity in mHealth research in the LMIC institution.

Partnerships are also encouraged with individuals in public or private organizations, including health system entities which might enable future research or other efforts within the relevant LMIC.

In addition, collaborative investigations combining expertise in behavioral science, engineering computer science, health systems business, medicine, public health, and or other relevant disciplines are encouraged.

This notice was released to provide potential applicants time to develop meaningful collaborations. The funding announcement is expected to be published sometime this fall with an application due in winter 2014. For more information, email Laura Povich, PhD at